Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Top Ten Study Strategies

2-Minute Spill: One of the easiest and most effective testing strategies is to take a blank sheet of paper with you to your test. Show it to your instructor or have the Testing Center stamp it so they know it is blank. When you get your test, don't look at it. Instead take up to 2 minutes to write, on the blank paper, anything you struggle to remember. Don't waste time writing down things you already know, only the things that are confusing or difficult to remember (equations, lists, etc.). You can then begin working on the test without the anxiety of trying to remember those difficult things.

Q Cards: These worked when you were a kid, so why not use them now? Using index cards, write a question on one side of the card and the answer on the other. You can take these with you and review them while waiting for a bus or when you have a few spare minutes. They are quick and convenient. Some variations include wording the answer like a question as well (That way you learn the material two ways.), drawing pictures, using different colors, etc.Link......